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πŸ“š Contributing to vue-mess-detector ​

Thank you for your interest in contributing to vue-mess-detector!

We welcome contributions of all kinds, here are some ways you can contribute, from the easiest to the more complex ones:

  • Bug reports: Report bugs you encounter.
  • Feature requests: Suggest new features or improvements, share your ideas and suggestions.
  • Documentation: Help make our docs clearer, more comprehensive, or fix typos.
  • Add failing tests: Add failing tests for open issues.
  • Bug fixes: Choose an open issue to fix. Please comment on the issue to let others know you're working on it and we can assign the issue to you.
  • Create new rules: Implement new rules to improve code quality. Read the details below for the steps to create a new rule.
  • Improve existing rules: Enhance existing rules.
  • Code refactoring: Help improve the project's codebase structure and efficiency.

Whether you're new to open source or an experienced contributor, there's a way for you to help. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you need guidance.


Issues labeled as good first issue are marked for new contributors to jump in.

πŸ› οΈ Steps to Contribute with a New Rule ​

In this guide we use yarn but if you prefer npm, pnpm or bun, you can use it instead.

  1. Fork the Original Repo

    • Navigate to the vue-mess-detector repository on GitHub.
    • Click the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the page to create your own fork of the repository.
  2. Clone Your Fork

    • Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
      git clone
      cd vue-mess-detector
  3. Choose a Rule from the Issues Tab

    • Visit the Issues tab and select an issue you'd like to work on.


    Issues labeled as good first issue are marked for new contributors to jump in.

  4. Read Documentation and Ask Questions

    • Familiarize yourself with the details related to the selected issue.
    • If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the issue discussion or open a new issue.
    • Ask in the issue to assign the issue to you. So we can avoid multiple contributors working on the same issue.


You can use the rule generator to create a skeleton rule file and a skeleton test file. Run the following command and follow the instructions:

yarn rules:generate
  1. Create Your Rule

    • Create a new file for your rule at src/rules/RULESET/, following the naming convention ruleName.ts.
    • Use existing rules as a reference for implementing your new rule.
    • If the rule has one level of warning, use the warning level in the output. If it has two levels, use the error level. For example in script length rule if the length exceeds 100 lines, it is a warning, and if it exceeds 200 lines, it is an error.
    • We use Regular Expressions regex extensively in our rules. As magic-regexp offers a significantly easier to read, understand, and maintain syntax compared to plain regex, we prefer its use. If you submit a contribution using plain regex, we will handle the conversion to magic-regexp if necessary.
  2. Create Tests for Your Rule

    • Create a test file named ruleName.test.ts at src/rules/RULESET/.
    • Add at least two tests: one that demonstrates a case where no problems are found and one that highlights an issue.
    • Run your tests to ensure they pass:
      yarn test ruleName
  3. Add the new rule to the analizer

    • Add your new ruleName entry to function call to src/rules/rules.ts.
    • Add an export statement for your new rule in src/rules/RULESET/index.ts.
    • Add your new checkRuleName import and function call to src/rulesCheck.ts. Script rules are applicable to ts, js and vue files, while template and style rules are applicable to vue files only.
    • Add your new reportRuleName import and function call to src/rulesReport.ts.
    • Run the missing rule check to ensure you have added all the necessary entries:
      yarn rules:missing


You can use the docs generator to create a skeleton markdown file. Run the following command and follow the instructions:

yarn docs:generate
  1. Add the rule to the documentation

    • Add your new rule to the docs/rules/RULESET/ file.
    • Use existing rules as a reference for the documentation.
    • Add your rule's link to the ruleset's index page at docs/rules/RULESET/
    • Add your rule's link to docs/.vitepress/config.ts file's sidebar object.
    • Run the missing documentation check to ensure you have added all the necessary documentation:
      yarn docs:missing
  2. Create the PR

    • Create the PR from your fork to the original repository.
    • Mention your PR in the issue you chose.
    • Some automatic checks will run on your PR. If they fail, you can check the logs to see what went wrong.

🐞 Debugging Your Code ​

  1. Open JavaScript Debug Terminal

    • Press Ctrl + Shift + P and search for JavaScript Debug Terminal.
  2. Set Breakpoints

    • Set breakpoints in your code where needed.
  3. Run Tests in Debug Mode

    • Execute your tests in the debug terminal:
      yarn test

πŸ§ͺ Testing Your Feature with Your Own Folder ​

  1. Run the Analyzer
    • Execute the analyzer on your specified path:
      yarn analyze path/to/files

Thank you for contributing to vue-mess-detector! Your efforts help improve the project and make it more robust for everyone. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out through the Issues tab.