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Prop Name Casing

Checks if the props name is in camelCase.   

❓ Why it's good to follow this rule?

  • Readability: CamelCase prop names are easier to read and understand.
  • Consistency: CamelCase prop names are consistent with the naming of files and folders.

😱 Examples of code for which this rule will throw a warning


The following code defines props using a naming convention that does not comply with camelCase. This is not in line with best practices for prop naming.

<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
  'greeting-text': String,

  <div>{{ greetingText }}</div>

🤩 How to fix it?


Refactor the prop names to use camelCase, which is the standard convention for naming props in Vue:

<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
  greetingText: String, // Now in camelCase

  <div>{{ greetingText }}</div>