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Full-word Component Names

Checks if the component name is a full word. As this is not easy to detect programmatically we just check if the name has less then 3 consonants   

❓ Why it's good to follow this rule?

  • Readability: Full-word component names are easier to read and understand.
  • Consistency: Full-word component names are consistent with the naming of files and folders.

😱 Examples of code for which this rule will throw a warning


The following code uses a component name that does not qualify as a full word because it contains fewer than three consonants. This is not in line with best practices for component naming.

    <!-- Navigation items -->

🤩 How to fix it?


Refactor the component name to use a full word, ensuring it contains at least three consonants for clarity and better readability:

    <!-- Navigation items -->

🛠 How to override?

The default minimum consonant count for this rule is 3.

You can override through the new override option in .config/vue-mess-detector.json ⬇️

  "override": {
    "minimumConsonantCount": 8