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No Inline Styles

Checks if in an element within the template of an SFC uses a inline style

❓ Why it's good to follow this rule?

Maintainability: External CSS makes updates easier and keeps the codebase clean. Performance: Reduces HTML file size and leverages browser caching. Consistency: Ensures a uniform style across the entire website or application.

😱 Examples of code for which this rule will throw a warning


The following code contains inline styles which are not recommended because they increase the html code and do not take advantage of browser caching

  <div style="background-color: #ff0000;">
    <!-- ... -->

🤩 How to fix it?


Using style with the scoped attribute and creating the necessary classes for the style you want to apply can be a good option.

  <div class="bg-primary">
    <!-- ... -->

<style scoped>
.bg-primary {
  background-color: #ff0000;