💻 rrd Rules
These ruleset is the most opinionated with rules that are not part of the official Vue style guide. They are based on the experience of this repo owner and are meant to help you write better Vue code.
- Amount of Comments
- Big v-if
- Big v-show
- Complicated Conditions
- Cyclomatic Complexity
- Computed Side Effects
- Deep Indentation
- Else Condition
- Function Size
- HTML Image Elements
- HTML links
- Huge Files
- If Without Curly Braces
- Magic Numbers
- Nested Ternary
- No !Important
- No Direct Dom Access
- No Inline Styles
- No Prop Destructing
- No Skipped Tests
- No Ts Lang
- No Var Declaration
- Parameter Count
- Plain Script
- Props Drilling
- Repeated CSS
- Script Length
- Short Variable Name
- Too Many Props
- VFor Expression
- VFor with Index Key
- Zero Length Comparison
❓ Why it's good to follow this ruleset?
Opinionated means that there is a clear path to follow. This is good for teams because it helps to have a consistent codebase. It also helps to avoid common pitfalls and bugs.